Walking vs Cycling – Which Should You Choose?
Getting in your physical activity matters when it comes to health and longevity. But with so many options, it can be tough to know whether walking or cycling is better…
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Getting in your physical activity matters when it comes to health and longevity. But with so many options, it can be tough to know whether walking or cycling is better…
You likely remember the tale of the mischievous boy tasked with watching sheep who falsely cried “wolf!” to summon villagers. After multiple pranks, the villagers ignored his warning and a…
We’ve all dealt with fast-talking “experts” who bombard us with fancy vocabulary but leave us more confused than enlightened. This barrage of elaborate but meaningless words is referred to as…
Potlucks may seem like a fun way to gather with others and share dishes, however they can harbor health risks that leave you with food poisoning or other food-related illnesses.…
If you've ever overindulged in alcoholic drinks, you've likely experienced the familiar agony of a hangover the next morning. Symptoms like headache, fatigue, nausea, dehydration, and body aches can leave…
Vegan diets are on the rise, with an estimated 1-6% of Americans now eating exclusively plant-based. Motivations range from animal rights to environmental concerns to personal health. But the big…
Walk into any cafe or coffee shop and you’ll be bombarded with options for coffee roasts from light to dark and everything in between. Roasting brings out different flavors and…
What Are Endorphins? You may have heard people talk about getting an “endorphin rush” or “runner’s high” during or after intense exercise. But what exactly are endorphins? Endorphins are chemicals…
Do you ever catch your reflection and think, "Who is that person staring back at me?" We all wear metaphorical masks at times to fit in or meet others' expectations.…
You've surely heard friends gush about finding their "soulmate" - that destined partner perfectly suited to accompany them through life's journey. A rare subset take this notion even further, whispering…