
Current Locations in Tropical & Sidereal 


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Planet's Astrological Significance

The Sun: The Sun represents your core self. Your Sun sign shows your key personality traits, ego, and sense of identity. It governs self-expression, creativity, and tendencies toward confidence or lack thereof. The Sun rules leadership ability, willpower, and desire for recognition. It indicates the father or dominant parent. The Sun’s placement and aspects show the ways you can shine and share your innate gifts with the world.

The Moon: The Moon reflects your inner world and emotional needs. Your Moon sign reveals your instincts, habitual reactions, and what nurtures you. The Moon governs memory, early development, and the mother archetype. It rules your past, your childhood, and unconscious patterns. The Moon deals with fluctuations in mood and sensitivity to surroundings. Its placement indicates your emotional needs in relationships.

Mercury: Mercury governs all types of communication and information exchange. It rules your intellectual style, how you process data, and your capacity for logic, analysis and reason. Mercury deals with speaking and writing ability, finesse with language, and curiosity. Mercury signifies the way you think, learn, share ideas, and adapt to new concepts. It governs your immediate environment and connections in your neighborhood.

Venus: Venus rules love, beauty and artistic expression. It governs your romantic relationships, sensuality, pleasures and comforts. Venus deals with social connections, popularity, and desire to please. It represents values, finances, possessions and money earned or spent. Venus signifies your appreciation for harmony and beauty in all forms. Its placement indicates how you attract partners and your capacity for compromise.

Mars: Mars governs your drive, initiative, and physical energy. It rules your strength of will, competitive spirit, and potency. Mars represents ambition, passion, courage, and forcefulness. It signifies sexuality, aggression, and how you handle conflict. Mars deals with strength, stamina, athleticism and motivation for achievement. Its placement and aspects indicate the ways you pursue your desires.

Jupiter: Jupiter represents wisdom, luck, optimism and expansion. It governs travel, new experiences, and yearning to grow beyond boundaries. Jupiter deals with philosophy, higher education, cultural connections, and entrepreneurship. It rules generosity, morality, and vision of meaning. Jupiter signifies abundance, prosperity and appetite for life’s riches. Its placement indicates how you relate to belief systems.

Saturn: Saturn governs hard work, maturity, and facing life’s realities. It deals with longevity, history, tradition, and the structures you build. Saturn rules authority figures, the father, personal discipline and responsibility. It represents career, public image, status and achievements. Saturn signifies tests, delays, limits and how you handle adversity. Its placement and aspects indicate where you need systematic effort.

Uranus: Uranus governs individuality, revolution, and desire for change. It deals with originality, innovation, technology and science. Uranus rules independence, eccentricity, and defiance of norms. It represents awakenings, epiphanies, and lightning-quick shifts. Uranus signifies your relationship with the metaphysical realm. Its placement and aspects show your need for freedom.

Neptune: Neptune governs creativity, dreams, illusion, and the unconscious dimensions. It rules fantasy, visual arts, and music. Neptune represents spirituality, mysticism, and anything transcendent. It signifies intuition, psychic ability, compassion, and Universal love. Neptune deals with secrecy, deceit, and substances that alter perception. Its placement indicates your imagination and artistic potential.

Pluto: Pluto governs major transformation, regeneration, and forces beyond your control. It rules taboo matters like sex, death, and the deepest unconscious. Pluto represents intensity, obsession, and drive for mastery and power. It signifies survival instincts, the hidden, and compulsiveness. Pluto deals with authoritative presence and magnetism. Its placement and aspects show your relationship with extremes and crises that lead to personal evolution.

The 12 Zodiac Signs (Dates Based on Tropical Astrology)


Aries (March 21st – April 19th)

Ruling Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Modality: Cardinal

Keywords: Initiative, Independence, Courage, Energy

Traits: Adventurous, Passionate, Competitive, Impulsive, Impatient

Compatibility: Fellow Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius), Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)

Famous Aries: Maya Angelou, Lady Gaga, Vincent van Gogh, Elton John

Aries Profile:

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries energy is aligned with new beginnings. The Aries individual is driven by enthusiasm and zest for life. Ruled by passionate Mars, those born under this sign are unafraid to take action and initiate projects. They are eager to start new ventures and pursue original ideas. Independence and autonomy are crucial for this sign. Aries natives must have the freedom to follow their own path.

Aries radiates confidence and courage. This sign is not afraid to take risks or make bold moves. However, they can also be impatient – Aries wants to see results immediately. Without productive outlets, their boundless energy can become frustration. Constructively channeled, Aries makes an inspirational leader and pioneering force. Their competitive nature thrives on challenge and achievement. In relationships, Aries needs a partner who can match their intensity and keep up with their active pace.


Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)

Ruling Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Modality: Fixed

Keywords: Stability, Persistence, Loyalty, Materialism

Traits: Patient, Dependable, Stubborn, Possessive, Sensual

Compatibility: Fellow Earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn), Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Famous Taureans: Queen Elizabeth II, Adele, George Clooney, Rosario Dawson

Taurus Profile:

Taurus energy is rooted in creating stability and routine. Represented by the Bull, those born under this sign move steadily towards their goals and dislike sudden change. Taurus is ruled by romantic Venus, giving this sign a love of beauty, luxury, and sensual pleasures. A Taurus individual values their material possessions and financial security above all else.

Patience and persistence are core Taurean traits. Taurus works hard to build the steady, comfortable life they desire. They have remarkable endurance and will keep pushing forward when others may give up. On the flip side, the Bull can become overly stubborn and refuse to adapt, even when necessary. Taurus also has a jealous and possessive side when it comes to loved ones and resources.

In relationships, Taurus craves loyalty, intimacy and affection. They are extremely dependable partners who look for long-term commitment. Taurus has refined tastes and enjoys surrounding themselves with fine wine, gourmet food, art and music. This tactile sign finds relaxation in nature, spas and anything that engages the five senses.


Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Modality: Mutable

Keywords: Communication, Curiosity, Adaptability, Duality

Traits: Intelligent, Sociable, Restless, Inconsistent, Witty

Compatibility: Fellow Air signs (Libra, Aquarius), Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Famous Geminis: Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Donald Trump

Gemini Profile:

Gemini energy is constantly curious and craving mental stimulation. Represented by the Twins, this sign has a dual nature and can shift perspectives rapidly. As the ruler of communication, Mercury imbues Gemini with wit, eloquence and lively intelligence. Geminis are socially savvy, able to connect with all different types of people. They thrive on gathering information and sharing ideas.

Adaptability is a keyword for this mutable sign. Gemini is always down to explore something new, whether it’s a hobby, social circle or career path. But their interests change as quickly as the wind, making it hard for Gemini to stay focused on one thing. Geminis need variety and get bored easily. Their expressive nature also makes them natural performers and storytellers. In relationships, Gemini seeks a partner who can keep up with their mental vivacity.


Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Ruling Planet: The Moon

Element: Water

Modality: Cardinal

Keywords: Emotions, Nurturing, Sensitivity, Home

Traits: Loyal, Protective, Moody, Clingy, Intuitive

Compatibility: Fellow Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces), Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Famous Cancers: Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Tom Cruise, Robin Williams

Cancer Profile:

Cancer energy is defined by deep emotions and nurturing care. Represented by the Crab, this sign has a tough outer shell that protects a sensitive inner world. Cancer is ruled by maternal Moon, making this sign attuned to feelings, family bonds, and domestic life. Cancers crave security in both finances and relationships. They are loyal partners and providers who take care of loved ones.

Intuition and imagination run high for this water sign. Cancers are dreamy romantics on the inside, even if not outwardly expressive. But their moods shift like the phases of the Moon, swinging between joyful and melancholy. Insecure Cancers can become clingy or withdrawn when feeling threatened. They benefit from positive affirmation and a stable support system. Creating a beautiful, comfortable home is a top priority.


Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Ruling Planet: The Sun

Element: Fire

Modality: Fixed

Keywords: Confidence, Creativity, Generosity, Pride

Traits: Ambitious, Loyal, Possessive, Status-conscious, Dramatic

Compatibility: Fellow Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius), Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Famous Leos: Barack Obama, Jennifer Lopez, Sandra Bullock, Madonna

Leo Profile:

Leo energy illuminates the zodiac with the radiant glow of the Sun. Represented by the Lion, Leos have an air of royalty and demand respect. This fixed fire sign basks in attention and praise. No sign is more creatively inspired than Leo, using their talents to shine. Leos are natural leaders who motivate others through strength of will and character.

Generous almost to a fault, Leos enjoy treating friends and family to luxury experiences. But they expect loyalty and admiration in return! Leo has a proud spirit and wants to be recognized for their achievements. This sign can become status-obsessed, showing off possessions as proof of worth. In romance, Leo seeks a dramatics partner who can match their fiery passion and zest for life.


Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Element: Earth

Modality: Mutable

Keywords: Analysis, Service, Perfectionism, Practicality

Traits: Helpful, Organized, Critical, Fussy, Diligent

Compatibility: Fellow Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus), Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Famous Virgos: Beyonce, Blake Lively, Adam Sandler, Cameron Diaz

Virgo Profile:

Virgo energy is geared towards service, improvement and routine. Represented by the Maiden, Virgos are industrious, helpful people who pay attention to detail. Mercury lends this sign an analytical mind and eye for imperfections. Virgos excel at tasks requiring an orderly approach, like research, record-keeping and financial management.

A perfectionist streak can make Virgos critical, of themselves and others. They strive to better themselves constantly through diet, exercise, and intellectual pursuits. In romance, Virgo seeks an intelligent, well-put together partner and is not impressed bystatus or looks alone. Virgo is often modest to a fault, needing to learn that imperfection is natural and beautiful.


Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Ruling Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Modality: Cardinal

Keywords: Harmony, Balance, Partnership, Elegance

Traits: Cooperative, Diplomatic, Indecisive, Peacemaking, Refined

Compatibility: Fellow Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius), Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries)

Famous Libras: Cardi B, Bruno Mars, Will Smith, Zac Efron

Libra Profile:

Libra energy strives for balance, justice and partnership above all else. Represented by the Scales, Libras weigh all perspectives before making decisions. Ruled by Venus, Libra cultivates beauty, creativity and harmony in their environment. Diplomatic Libras excel at seeing all sides of an issue and facilitating cooperation.

Libra is most comfortable as part of a pair. Whether in love, friendship or business, Libras seek an equal partner to share experiences with. This sign feels incomplete alone. On the negative side, Libras can be indecisive and only happy when keeping the peace. But their optimism, elegance and social intelligence allow them to connect well with others. In romance, Libra desires a soulmate who complements them perfectly.


Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

Ruling Planets: Mars and Pluto

Element: Water

Modality: Fixed

Keywords: Intensity, Transformation, Privacy, Magnetism

Traits: Passionate, Secretive, Controlling, Loyal, Observant

Compatibility: Fellow Water signs (Pisces, Cancer), Earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus)

Famous Scorpios: Drake, Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates

Scorpio Profile:

Scorpio energy is focused and fearless in pursuit of desires. Represented by the Scorpion, this sign penetrates directly to the heart of matters. Co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, Scorpio is imbued with strong sexuality, magnetism, and instincts. Scorpios use their powers of perception to suss out hidden motives and secrets.

Intensity is Scorpio’s middle name. They feel emotions to the extreme, ranging from fiery passion to brooding jealousy. Scorpio wants to merge completely with a chosen lover. Possessiveness can become a downfall, however. At their best, Scorpios harness their profound energy creatively and direct it towards transformation. Resilience through crisis is a Scorpio trademark.


Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Modality: Mutable

Keywords: Exploration, Knowledge, Optimism, Adventure

Traits: Fun-loving, Philosophical, Blunt, Restless, Independent

Compatibility: Fellow Fire signs (Aries, Leo), Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)

Famous Sagittarians: Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Winston Churchill

Sagittarius Profile:

Sagittarius energy is always seeking new horizons of thought and experience. Represented by the Archer, Sags fire their arrows towards lofty goals. Ruled by expansive Jupiter, Sagittarians think big and look at the big picture. They crave freedom to explore different cultures, ideas and terrains through travel and education.

Easygoing Sagittarius radiates infectious optimism and enthusiasm. They attract friends effortlessly and light up a room with their humor. However, their bluntness can turn people off at times. In romance, Sagittarius needs a partner who can keep up with their wanderlust and match their fiery passion. Taming this wild horse is no easy feat!


Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Modality: Cardinal

Keywords: Ambition, Responsibility, Discipline, Structure

Traits: Determined, Practical, Pessimistic, Workaholic, Loyal

Compatibility: Fellow Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo), Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer)

Famous Capricorns: Dolly Parton, Denzel Washington, Michelle Obama, Sir Isaac Newton

Capricorn Profile:

Capricorn energy is focused on building structure and scaling the heights of success. Represented by the Sea Goat, Capricorns set their sights on their mountain top goals and methodically work their way to the peak. Saturn’s stern influence lends this sign tremendous discipline and patience. Capricorns take the tried and true path, rather than unproven shortcuts.

Career advancement and public image motivate the determined Sea Goat. Capricorns take their reputation seriously and expect respect. While pessimistic at times, their realism helps them approach problems pragmatically. In romance, Capricorn seeks a partner with strong character who matches their personal ethics and need for security. Family and tradition are core values for most Capricorns.


Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Ruling Planet: Uranus and Saturn

Element: Air

Modality: Fixed

Keywords: Individuality, Humanitarianism, Progress, Eccentricity

Traits: Forward-thinking, Rebellious, Aloof, Quirky, Intellectual

Compatibility: Fellow Air signs (Libra, Gemini), Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

Famous Aquarians: Jennifer Aniston, Kerry Washington, Ellen DeGeneres, Charles Darwin

Aquarius Profile:

Aquarius energy marches to the beat of its own drum. Represented by the Water Bearer, Aquarians pour out progressive ideals and inventive solutions. Ruled by revolutionary Uranus, this sign embraces radical thinking, technology and social change. Aquarians believe in fighting for greater humanitarian causes and reform.

Independent and strong-willed, Aquarius follows their own inner vision of the future. They spurn restrictive tradition and old-fashioned mindsets. While friendly, Aquarians can also be cool, aloof and emotionally detached at times. In romance, Aquarius seeks a mental connection above all else, with a partner who stimulates them intellectually. The unconventional Water Bearer avoids cookie-cutter relationships.


Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Ruling Planets: Jupiter and Neptune

Element: Water

Modality: Mutable

Keywords: Spirituality, Dreams, Fantasy, Empathy, Escape

Traits: Imaginative, Sensitive, Selfless, Unrealistic, Adaptable

Compatibility: Fellow Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio), Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Famous Pisceans: Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Drew Barrymore, Albert Einstein

Pisces Profile:

Pisces energy flows with the mystical tides of the unconscious and visionary dreams. Represented by two Fish, Pisceans swim within emotive waters. Co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, this sign channels boundless creativity, spirituality, and compassion. Empathy comes naturally to Pisces, as does artistic expression through music, poetry, dance or other media.

The sensitive Fish absorbs the emotions of those around them, often needing respite and solitude to recharge. While tremendously imaginative, Pisces can lack discernment and get lost in a fantasy world. In romance, Pisces searches for a soulmate who can ground them in reality while supporting their dreams. The Fish swims happily with a partner who complements their spiritual qualities.

The Houses

The 1st House: Self & Personality

Domain: The 1st house represents your outward personality, physical appearance, and immediate environment. It governs your natural temperament, identity, and how you present yourself to others.

Ruling Sign: Aries is the zodiac sign naturally connected to the 1st house. The fiery independence and initiative of Aries suits the action-oriented nature of this house.

Interpretation: Planets located in the 1st house shape your outward personality and appearance. Their energies become part of your character. For example, Mercury here can make you quick-witted and talkative. The 1st house sign on the cusp, meaning the zodiac sign that begins the house, also colors your persona. Key 1st house words are self-expression, presentation, personality and emergence.

2nd House: Money & Possessions

Domain: The 2nd house governs your financial resources, possessions, sense of self-worth, and values. It indicates how you earn, spend and save money.

Ruling Sign: Taurus, representing stability and enjoyment of the physical senses, naturally rules the 2nd house.

Interpretation: Planets in the 2nd house affect your relationship with finances and self-esteem. Comfort-loving Venus can increase spending on pleasures while disciplined Saturn teaches budgeting. The sign on the cusp influences your values.

3rd House: Communication & Early Education

Domain: The 3rd house rules your lower education, immediate community, siblings, intellectual development, and communication style.

Ruling Sign: Gemini, the social communicator, naturally rules this house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp shapes your early mental conditioning and learning style. Planets here develop your communication capabilities for better or worse.

4th House: Home & Family

Domain: The 4th house represents your home environment, family history, ancestry, parents, and emotional foundations.

Ruling Sign: Cancer, protective and nurturing, relates to this house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp indicates your experience of family. Planets here profoundly impact your early home life and development.

5th House: Creative Self-Expression & Children

Domain: The 5th house governs creativity, pleasure, play, children, fun hobbies, recreation, and leisure activities.

Ruling Sign: Dramatic Leo rules the 5th house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp shapes your approach to joy and recreation. Planets here cultivate your talents, loves and relationships with children.

6th House: Health & Service

Domain: The 6th house rules work ethic, daily routine, acts of service, physical health, and nutrition. It represents your attitude toward your duties.

Ruling Sign: Virgo, skilled at tasks requiring detailed analysis, rules this house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp affects your habits, health outlook and relationship with service. Planets here shape your daily routines and work skills.

7th House: Partnerships & Relationships

Domain: The 7th house governs all your close relationships including marriage, business partners, collaborators and open enemies. It represents cooperation.

Ruling Sign: Balanced Libra naturally rules this house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp affects your relationship skills and needs. Planets here alter how you interact with partners.

8th House: Sex, Death & Transformation

Domain: The 8th house represents intimacy, shared resources, sexuality, and matters related to death like wills, inheritance, and transitions. It signifies deep change.

Ruling Signs: Sexual Scorpio and strategic Pluto rule this house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp shapes your relationship with intimate matters. Planets here profoundly impact your sexuality, vulnerabilities and experience of mortality.

9th House: Philosophy, Religion & Travel

Domain: The 9th house governs your global perspective, spirit of adventure, search for meaning, and relationship with academics and theology. It rules higher education and long journeys.

Ruling Sign: Sagittarius, explorer of ideas, relates to this house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp shapes your worldview. Planets here stimulate your desire to question, understand life’s mysteries and travel afar.

10th House: Career & Public Standing

Domain: The 10th house governs your career, legacy, reputation and contribution to society. It represents your public life and achievements.

Ruling Sign: Capricorn, hardworking and reputation-conscious, naturally rules the 10th house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp influences your career style. Planets here profoundly affect your worldly accomplishments and status.

11th House: Friends, Groups & Hopes

Domain: The 11th house rules teams, social groups, society and communities. It governs your friendships, goals and connection to humanitarians. This house represents your future visions.

Ruling Sign: Aquarius, group-oriented futurist, relates to the 11th house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp shapes your circles and ideals. Planets energize your networks, human rights aims and aspirations.

12th House: Subconscious, Dreams & Secrets

Domain: The 12th house represents your inner world, spirituality, dreams, and all that is hidden. It signifies periods of solitude, isolation and self-sacrifice.

Ruling Signs: Pisces and Neptune both relate intuitively to this house.

Interpretation: The sign on the cusp filters your relationship with the unconscious realms. Planets here unlock your mystical abilities or delusions.