The Perils of Self-Justification: Why You Need to Stop Making Excuses

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  • Post last modified:4 January 2024

We all do it from time to time – we make questionable choices or engage in behaviors we know deep down aren’t wise – and then we scramble to defend those actions rather than owning our mistakes. “I was really stressed and not thinking clearly!” “Everyone else does things like this too!” There’s no faster way to halt personal growth than the trap of chronic justification. In this post let’s talk about why and how this habit holds us back, and strategies to overcome it instead.

The Root of the Problem

Self-justification feels safer than facing we may not have all the answers – it protects the ego. Admitting we’re wrong risks damaging our self-concept. But protecting our own ideas at the expense of truth leads nowhere good in the long run. Behind the facade of excuses often lies a deeper fear – a fear of changing course, taking accountability, or confronting hard truths within ourselves.

It Stops Relationships in Their Tracks

People see through empty rationalizations, and constant defensiveness erodes trust fast. We expect compassion from friends when we make the first move owning our side of conflicts. But if we refuse to validate others’ perspectives and keep making ourselves out to be faultless victims? Those bonds suffer, if not snap entirely. Ask yourself if proving yourself “right” matters more than nurturing healthy connections.

Old Patterns Become Entrenched

Excuses enable us to go on auto-pilot without re-examining habitual thought patterns underpinning impulsive decisions. With enough repetition, we slide unthinkingly into choices that bring stress or harm. Self-justifications prevent the honest self-confrontation needed to interrupt dangerous behaviors before real damage occurs.

Owning Our Part - A Way Forward

Next time you catch yourself spinning excuses, consider taking a courageous leap – drop the self-defense for a moment and ask “How did I contribute here?” “What could I do differently next time?” Progress starts opening our minds to our own role. This humble honesty strengthens relationships, fosters personal evolution, and lightens the spirit. The truth may sting but ultimately sets us free.


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Disclaimer: The information provided in this discussion is for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical or professional advice. Only a qualified health professional can determine what practices are suitable for your individual needs and abilities.